Sunday, April 28, 2024

Burn the House Down song Wikipedia

burning house down

On some records you hear all this clash and bang and fanciness, but all we’re doing is laying down the guitar tracks – then we add echo here and there, but we’re not adding false electronic things. We use the same thing anyone else would, but we use it with imagination and common sense. Like “House Burning Down,” we made the guitar sound like it was on fire. It’s constantly changing dimensions, and up on top that lead guitar is cutting through everything. This wildly tangled web gets even more complicated by the series of discoveries Anzu makes in the mansion — starting with finding a hair clip of her mother’s and encountering a person who’s living in the forbidden upstairs rooms.

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But no matter how one views the EU, the Ukrainian people are obviously in desperate need of assistance, and perhaps an effective joint economic aid plan will soon be managed by the U.S., the EU and the International Monetary Fund, with mutually beneficial terms included. There are always ‘pockets’ of normalcy, life went on in prewar Germany and Soviet Russia, and many weren’t deeply affected by the Great Depression. There are always exceptions but when you have a totalitarian government as we currently suffer with, along with a two tiered justice system coupled with a deeply fragmented country with all the power centers controlled by the leftists with their very own Stasi enforcers you have little chance of going against or rising up in revolt. The FBI exists as muscle for the democrats, most if not all three letter agencies are in thrall to the democrats and the Justice department exists primarily to persecute any and all not with the party program. TPTB have worked long and hard to get the country to this point and they aren’t stupid, just evil.


But it doesn’t do any good when Republicans have this power and refuse to use it for fear of repercussions in the arena of public opinion, even when their cause is right and just. It’s as tho’ they’d rather take the defeat than actually win for all Americans and maybe take a few insults fro our enemies-from-within. More than this, too often it actually seems as if they too have grown to love their spending packages every bit as much as the Democrats, with everybody tossing dollars around like so much candy for their special interest buddies and very few supporters, never really benefitting the average American and the “little man” in America. Today, our national debt is clipping right at $35 trillion and we keep spending nearly two trillion dollars more than we receive annually, raising our debt-to-GDP ratio to better than 120 percent, a level unseen since 1945.

Genius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge

It’s well and fine to wish to help our Israeli allies, with whom we do have standing treaties that oblige us to send them a certain amount of military support each year, under a $38 billion memorandum that was signed in 2016. And yet, these goddamned rat bastards in Congress couldn’t see fit to set aside money for actually securing our own borders or demand that our borders be sealed, secured and the alien invasion halted, before one damned red-cent is spent anywhere else. Stinnett’s claims of “intercepts” are contradicted by Japanese testimony, which unequivocally state there were none, and even transmitter keys were removed from radios of ships in the task force. Among them would have to be Lt. Kermit Tyler who, on the morning of 7 December, was contacted about a radar contact on an inbound flight, and told the operators to forget about it. One would also have to include the Navy duty officer, who was asleep when the destroyer USS Ward first tried to report a minisub contact,] thereby losing over three hours’ warning. It would also include the officer who ordered USAAC fighters be parked in close proximity to avoid sabotage.

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burning house down

One cannot forget that only approximately ten percent of the Republican Congressional Caucus is comprised of fiscally responsible, liberty-loving, truly conservative patriotic Americans who actually do their dead level best to put America and her people’s Inalienable God-given Rights first every day. But a closer look at the path the man had traveled to this moment of self-destruction revealed a recent spiral into volatility, one marked by a worldview that had become increasingly confusing and disjointed — and appeared to be unattached to any political party. His social media postings and arrest records suggest the immolation stemmed instead from a place of conspiracy theories and paranoia.

I’ve often stated that in this fight to remain free in America, before I submit to tyranny I’ll face the enemies of America alone with rifle in hand and the wind whistlin’ at my back, should no one wish to stand with me. Some, perhaps a great deal, of what we witness currently probably does also hinge, not just on historical animus Hamas has for Israel and the Jews, but due to massive oil and natural gas pockets recently discovered off the coast of both Israel and Gaza. Just as Obama and Hillary destabilized Gaddafi’s government in Libya in order to control and benefit from taking Libya’s oil to be delivered to the EU, and to wipe away Lehman Bros liability for stealing $50 billion in Libyan gold, the Biden regime is playing an angle all of its own that doesn’t give a damn about Jews or “palestinians”. Your assumption is based on whatever you’ve read into my words; I’ve only noted we are currently tied to Israel by several treaties.

There is no hero coming to save the day and writing editorials listing and rehashing all the ills and evils perpetrated by this regime and a waste of time.. It’s worth mentioning again that our Constitution was originally intended to be implemented by a moral people, and given where we now stand as a society and all the manipulations that have turned the Constitution into more of a weapon against the people more than any defense of our rights, we are in deep, deep trouble as a nation. As the current coalition of minorities and special interests keep voting for corrupt people to perpetuate the pillaging of America’s resources and wealth for their own benefit, there will be no end in sight for this madness.

Look to Rome for the parallels, down to the invaders being let in to displace and replace the citizens. Closing the border PERIOD is a dream that afflicts many ignorant people, who have no clue as to what that would take, how many of our few remaining liberties we would have to give up to do it, or how much money it would cost, and not just initially, but for ever more. Because some people got their knickers in a knot??? Until last summer, Mr. Azzarello seemed to have lived a relatively quiet life.


Family house burns down from cooking Thanksgiving turkey - KBMT-KJAC

Family house burns down from cooking Thanksgiving turkey.

Posted: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

We previously had rd party John Anderson (dumbest fuquere you ever saw) Lynn Martin and Demonrat Bill Foster who is still in but redistricted one district east. My “prophecy”, neither will serve time nor will either receive a paddling for his actions. 1/100th of the cost, and you don’t have the wealth to fight back Trump does. Your a moron if you find it okay to subvert the law just because you don’t like someone. I don’t like Biden but would never want him in prison on fake charges. And there plenty of real charges to lock Biden up on.

If a nation goes it alone all the time, the day may arise when it finds itself facing an entire world aligned against it, because it didn’t act to help preserve freedom in the world when to do so wasn’t so onerous, as some global menace took one nation after the next, e.g. The primary premise I presented was that NO COUNTRY — NOT UKRAINE, NOT ISRAEL — SHOULD BE RECEIVING U.S. TAXDOLLARS TO PURSUE THEIR WARS WHEN OUR U.S. BORDERS ARE SITTING WIDE OPEN. Johnson could have rectified this by moving, motivating and garnering the full support of all Republicans to stop all government funding and spending bills until the Biden regime actually executed its proper duty under the Constitution to seal and secure the border and protect the American people. Obama will likely not negotiate this crisis well, and this will be a severe geopolitical blow to the U.S., in many respects, and those patriotic activists in Maidan and across Ukraine, who understand that democratic Ukraine is on the frontline of the struggle against authoritarianism.

The consequences are dire and deadly to our nation, if the Democrats and their RINO allies can continue along their chosen path of wanton disregard of the Constitution and the rules that supposedly guide Congress, the President and our High Court. Both the Democrats and the Republicans bring their own particular brand of betrayal to the table, as we recently saw Congress refuse to hold Mayorkas accountable for his high treason regarding our border security and the Democrats refuse to call his intentional malfeasance for the felony that it is. But not to be outdone, Speaker Johnson seemed unwilling to actually do the right thing and refuse to move funding for Ukraine and Israel until the federal government was compelled to stop this invasion by illegal aliens. Nice rant Justin ,and all painfully true .Unfortunately just speaking truth doesn’t negate the dire straits we are in .

Another British historian, Ronald Lewin, calls Stinnett’s theory “moonshine.” Military intelligence historian Roberta Wohlstetter wrote that Stinnett conflated FDR’s desire for an incident which might serve as a catalyst for war against Germany, with FDR’s supposed foreknowledge of such an incident provoking war with Japan. Presidential historian Joseph E. Persico found that FDR drafted an appeal to peace to the Emperor of Japan the night before the Pearl Harbor attack, which historian Hervie Haughler said could not be the action of someone who wished for war with Japan. Furthermore, Stinnett makes numerous and contradictory claims of the number of messages originated by the Kido Butai, attributing to it messages from shore stations, Yamamoto’s flagship (which was not accompanying the task force), deception measures, and traffic from before the task force even sailed. Stinnett argues that the attacking fleet was detected by radio and intelligence intercepts, but the information was deliberately withheld from Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the commander of the Pacific Fleet at that time. Putin made a conscious decision to invade Ukraine in 2014 and then again recently, because he doesn’t believe in self-determination or free will and freedom of association; he was initially angered when Ukraine ousted his puppet and sought to enter a lucrative economic deal with the EU over one he had proposed to them.

Nothing I have stated in this article defends Israel but simply notes that standing by our treaties is “well and fine” — even with that, we shouldn’t be funding the Biden regime or Ukraine and Israel until our borders are sealed and secured and the invasion of illegal aliens stopped. We, the normal sane Americans who love traditional America of years gone by are currently facing the worst, most unhinged far left any American has ever faced in past decades, on our streets and in Congress. They tell us Biden is just fine and an excellent orator.

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